African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora Partners:

Jeremy Salmon the "VISUAL MARKETING GUY" and the owner of design consultancy lives and breaths graphic design, webdesign, Illustration and fine art. Over that last 15 years Jeremy has designed and consulted for many companies the world over from small start-up companies and organisations to big corporations like Glaxosmithkline. His first love is fine art and illustration where he has been curator of a number of successful exhibitions. Jeremy is a specialist in working with African based charities and organisations.
As a socially conscious businessman, in the last few years Jeremy has taken a keen interest in African Charitable organisations and has produced work to support organisation Such as Free Generation International, Adap (African Development Association for Progress) and The Dr Malachi K York Foundation.
Visual marketing, company branding, specialist in branding charitable organisations, publication design and layout, webdesign, flash animation, Illustration, fine art.
Some of Jeremy’s professional achievements to date
- Creative director for Nex Generation magazine
- Produce illustrations for Hale Erwin and Adrenalin Magazines
- Fully branded and created mobile device graphics and flash animations for Staellium's Moballistix division (stealth text and stealth pod projects)
- Company branding for Internet marketing company Pure Online Genius. Worked close with CEO Julian Hall as head of design.
- Designer of award winning website "Uk's Most Innovative Internet Company".
- Curator and exhibited work for the "Lawless Justice" art exhibition and spoken word UK tour (created and sponsored by Jasimages). This project was in-conjuction with "Project rise up" and "Amnesty international".
- Created promotional artwork for Free Generation International that was prominently featured in official US Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2010.
In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his 4 children, lovely wife, reading, visiting exhibitions, traveling and making is wife dinner.
His favorite gadget is his digital camera and his lifetime ambition is to create an art and design institute for talented artists.
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