Join as an Artist/Designer

Please use the form below to introduce yourself. We will get back to you with further information.

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Please note that this is not a registration but a chance for you to introduce yourself. After the selection process we will send you further information about the participation. Only fields marked with * are mandatory!

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Gold for Creativity


The Call for Entries for the AACDD Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for Creative Excellence will include the following categories:

1. Interior Design: Furniture, Lighting, Ceramics, Wall and Floor Coverings

2. Art: Fine Art, Photography, Graphic Design incl. Illustrations, Book Design and Publishing, Sculpture

3. Fashion and Fashion Accessories: incl. Fashion Jewellery

4. Media & Multimedia: Film & Videos (documentary and social only)

5. Architecture, Interior & Landscape Architecture Practical solutions for improving urban slum conditions; practical solutions for improved leisure & community facilities in council estates

6. Traditional Indigenous Crafts: Traditional Handloom Weaving, Traditional Basketry, Traditional Carpentry - Objects of daily use only incl. small furniture, traditional pottery – sun-dried and low earth fired only, traditional leatherwork

Should you have any questions please contact us at any time.

African & African-Caribbean Design Diaspora (AACDD)
T: +44 (0)20 8940 7857