Priestmangoode AACDD Award 2011/12
28.07.2011 13:49
Priestmangoode-AACDD-Award-2012.pdf (771.5 kB)
Priestmangoode-AACDD-Award-PressRelease-july2011.pdf (1.0 MB)

Promoting cultural diversity and identities in global design
The British European Design Group and the African and African-Caribbean Design Diaspora proudly announce the Priestmangoode AACDD Award 2011/12 for an eight week placement at one of the UK's leading global design consultancies for a graduate or undergraduate student of African or African-Caribbean descent in the fields of industrial, product or interior design.
"I am delighted to take part in this year's AACDD award scheme. Cultural understanding and diversity is at the core of our work and can be instrumental in designing better products and services, particularly when designing for local and regional markets".
Paul Priestman, Co-founding Director of Priestmangoode
Priestmangoode, one of the UK’s leading design consultancies, is sponsoring an AACDD award by offering a summer placement in its London office. The award, organised by the African and African-Caribbean Design Diaspora, sets out to provide greater opportunities in the design industry for ethnic minorities of African and African-Caribbean descent in the UK.
For more information please download the press release from our Press & Media section.