The Jubilee Time Capsule project
05.02.2011 - 05.02.2012

What is the Jubilee Time Capsule?
The Jubilee Time Capsule is a unique social archive of the 60 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Initiated by the Royal Commonwealth Society, the project aims to gather contributions from people all over the world about their lives and experiences. By March 2012, Queen Elizabeth will have reigned for over 22,000 days and the Jubilee Time Capsule wants to include stories about each and every day.
Upload your memories, stories, photos and videos from the last 60 years to the Commonwealth Jubilee Time Capsule, a unique global history project collecting content from all over the Commonwealth to mark Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee.
What dates are eligible?
Any day from February 6th 1952 to February 5th 2012.
For details and to participate go to